About Me

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I am a recent History of Art Graduate from the University of Leeds...needing a time out to explore and experience a place other than England! I don't take myself too seriously and I'm affectionately known to my closest friends as HH. My friends often find great pleasure in my habits...always answering the phone in the manner 'Hello Darling' and always 'about to/or just had a shower' when we speak. Besides this, I prefer Earl Grey Tea and I can make a Victoria Sponge to rival any of Delia Smith's.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Hello America, Goodbye Britain!

Currently writing this at 15.45 and I have no idea how I'm going to slog it through until 'normal' bedtime...attempted to sleep on the plane for a while, but the prospect of Sex and the City 2 (which I never caught at the cinema in the UK) was showing, as was Letters to Juliet - complete easy viewing, especially when I wasn't being asked thousands of questions by the Scouser next seat but one!

Besides this, I have arrived safely (more importantly!) and was greeted at the airport by a representative from the AuPair agency who took a group of us who arrived about the same time (2 French girls, 2 German girls and an Estonian girl) to the hotel. At the hotel we were met by some really friendly ladies who are running this four day orientation in New York before we all fly to our host families! At the moment I'm just sat on my bed trying to fathom American Football and thinking what a surreal experience it has been so far. Yesterday in England, it really didn't feel as though I would be here today...it has all come around so quickly and it feels like such an adventure. Can't really say its into the 'unknown' as I've 'met' my host family on Skype and I've been to America before, but it is surely going to be so different living here than being a tourist!

Hannah's 'Americanisms' - (so far!)

'Dollar Bills'

Will update soon!