If only a blog post could be like the title - some would call it getting away with murder, I'd just say it was pretty jammy. Needless to say, I'm sure I would be getting plenty of complaints if I were to eliminate the details. It's been over a month since I have last blogged and the on sought of writing has been hanging over me ever since I danced in the New Year with my friends a total of 19 nights ago - oh the shame. On the same note, I told my host Mum after dinner (homemade quiche and salad) that, ' I'm going to go downstairs, lock myself away from the world and do my blog' and her reply... ' Hannah that's beginning to sound like a mantra!'. Thus, here I am (not literally locked away, but definitely metaphorically) sat upright on my bed, listening to Tokyo Police Club and tap tap tapping away for all you beautiful people. I've got a grand total of 6 weeks to inform you all about, so I'd say grab a coffee or something stronger (say a nice glass of Sauvignan Blanc), maybe a tub of houmous and definitely a comfortable chair before you continue scrolling...
In Britain, a few houses in an area will to be decorated with lights - making cars slow down to admire and headlines to be made on the local news. In America, however, the whole neighbourhood/town/city is involved in a subconscious, Christmas lights war. For example, after picking Kevin up from his friends house a mere 20 minute drive away we both counted 129 houses lit up to eye dazzling proportions. Additionally, our Christmas tree went up a few days after Thanksgiving, before the advent calendars were open! I can't complain though as I love the build-up, especially the wafting smells of cinnamon and peppermint and hearing Christmas songs as I sit and drink my 3rd Caffe Amouri coffee of the week (only 3 away now from getting my 10th free one!).
The House in All Its Christmas Glory
In the lead up to Christmas, around 10 other au pairs and myself organised a Secret Santa exchange and a meal out which was a lot of fun. My friend Alex from Germany had me and ironically bought me a Starbucks coffee flask to help me curb my habit! I had my good friend Isabelle (from France) to buy for and I bought her a present intended for both Christmas and her 21st Birthday - a hardback, 'art book' of Audrey Hepburn photographs. It seemed rather heavy when I purchased it from Barnes and Noble but I felt that it was too appropriate...especially as she has a poster of her on her wall! I wrote a little, dated message inside so that when she returns home, she may stumble across it once again and remember her friend Hannah from across the channel! For her 21st birthday, Isabelle, Clemence and I decided to go out in D.C to a club called Madhatters which was a lot of fun...we only just made the last metro home and I managed to sleep the entire way back, only just waking up in time for my stop!
A highlight of the Christmas build up was watching Kevin and his Kindergarten class perform their Nativity Play which was possibly the cutest thing ever. Kevin as the 'First Wise Man' had a line that was on the lines of, 'Jesus, I bring you Gold' - remembered and said perfectly. The children performed in their classroom and all the parents stood and sat around the edges to watch, admire and document the occasion. As I arrived, I overheard their teacher telling all of the nativity characters (including the narrators and the star of Bethlehem) that they were not allowed to sing the 'naughty' version of 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer' when they would sing the song at the end of the performance. They were all very good at sticking to the rules, but you could see a few of them trying really hard to hold back, especially at the point of ' had a very shiny nose, LIKE A LIGHTBULB!' Afterwards they all had cake, strawberries and milk before we brought them home!
Literally a few days afterwards, the boys finished school early and that afternoon all 7 of us made our way to the airport to fly to Tampa in Florida! I was slightly nervous about being away from home for Christmas but excitement was far more the dominant emotion; before December 2010 I had never been out of England nor experienced warmth during the Christmas holidays!
Landing in Tampa, the air smelt like the sun, the light was different and I felt a million degrees warmer than in Virginia! All 7 of us piled into the aptly named 'clown car' otherwise known as the van/people carrier and went on our way to my host Mum's Mum and husband's house which was lovely...a one level, white washed house, marble floors and overlooking the golf course. It also had a nice sized pool and an enticing hot tub! After devouring the delicious chili we all had for dinner, we were all exhausted and so we went to bed fairly early. Waking up to sun outside, we had breakfast and a lazy morning - then in the afternoon Bobby (21), Sean (17) and I left my host parents and the younger boys to begin a road trip to Fort Lauderdale with their cousin Taylor, whose sister Amanda studies down there. It took around 4 hours in total to road trip down in the HUGE SUV - we all drove down Alligator Alley and also got to see some of the Everglades out the window on our way down! It all seemed pretty surreal, especially when we checked into our hotel on the beach and went for a meal and sat outside with just t-shirts on in DECEMBER?!!! Loved it. The following day we met up with Amanda and we all as a group went down to the beach for the day where it was around 70 degrees, the boys taught me how to throw an American football and I attempted to dropkick it like a rugby ball with my bare feet which was utterly painful...they are so much heavier and harder! That day was all very lazy but I did make it into the sea, to say that I'd been in the sea in Florida! The following day (Christmas Eve) we had the morning on the beach before driving back to Tampa. Tampa was a little cooler, but still equally pleasant. That night the entire family (around 20 people) got together for a delicious meal and then we all had to battle tiredness to make midnight mass at the local church which was lovely. A beautiful choir sung to candlelight and I left feeling very 'Christmassy' but I did miss going to Mass at home at the church in Whitechapel nr Beacon Fell and walking out into the cold and blustery air with Mum, Dad and Lizzie then sleeping in the same room as Liz like we always have done the night before! Needless to say, waking up Christmas morning I didn't feel that weird being away from home...it was exciting to experience Christmas with children who still believe and I still got to Skype home after I had opened my presents! Additionally, I also got to go in the hot tub which was amazing! That afternoon, we all went along to my host Mum's sisters house and had a delicious meal in the evening...us 'older' children escaped for a couple of hours beforehand-initially to go to Busch Gardens but seeing as it was ridiculously busy we ended up going bowling. I can't say many people can say they did that on Christmas Day! A first for everything!
On Boxing Day, around half of us (adults and children) went along to an American Football Game where we watched the Tampa Buccaneers vs. Seattle Seahawks from the warmth of a private box suite. I was informed of the rules here and there and enjoyed a few Budweiser's during the game! Around halftime, Amanda and I went for a walk down to to the main seating area and got to see the pirate ship up close which fires 'canons' and necklaces everytime the home team scores!
The next day was a treat as we all went indoor surfing at this place called 'Adrenalina'. Walking into the place, I was slightly mortified at first of seeing that you have to do it in this glassed room where the whole store can be the audience. Needless to say, after putting on my bikini and a t-shirt 'incase anything may flash' all hesitations were lost. This indoor surfing place is basically a foam based, curved uphill ramp. You start on ( I stress ON!) your board at the bottom with the fast stream of water. As the instructor helps you with your balance on the board, you lean your back foot into the stream and then you are propelled full force where you attempt to stand and stay upright. I failed on multiple occasions...being whooshed up to the top of the ramp laughing like a nutcase and pulling up my bikini bottoms which were a little on the big side. The epic fails did not, however, continue so much and I did manage to stand up a few times but oh it was painful and hard. I think my host Mum has some good photographs, I'm anticipating seeing them!
That night, the older crew went along to to see 'The Tourist' with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie and I thought it was so tiresome that I actually fell asleep. It most definitely isn't a 'comedy' nor is the storyline engaging or worth casting two good actors in for. 2 * Star and not worth wasting a movie gift card upon!
On returning back to the cold of Virginia on the 29th December it quickly became New Years Eve and this year I decided to have a 'quiet' one with a few friends of whom I invited over which was a lot of fun and fairly civilised! The days that followed, I went to both the Washington Wizards (Basketball) vs. the New Orleans Hornets match and the Washington Redskins (American Football) vs. the New York Giants game. Washington lost both sports matches but they were equally enjoyable...the Redskins game was absolutely freezing as we were sat outside on the top tier but we had a great view of the pitch! The week that followed, the boys went back to school and routine began once again...something of which was hard for everyone to get used to after having such a great time! At the weekend, I went out with Lizzy and her school friends for a meal at La Tasca before going out for a few drinks in Clarendon which was a lot of fun and then the following night I went out with some au pair friends in Georgetown, DC to this club called 3rd Edition which reminded me of a lot of places back at home! I actually think I'm going back there this weekend, so it must have been fun!
As I write, today has been a 'snow day' for the boys, yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Bank Holiday and they also had Friday off! It has felt like another holiday! Especially as last night I returned from an amazing weekend in Boston. I flew out there from Washington with Isabelle and Lisa Friday lunchtime...landing there early afternoon. After taking us around an hour to find our way from the airport to the hotel via Metro and Bus we dumped our belongings after checking in and hastily put on our layers and matching faux-fur hats before beginning to explore. Fortunately, our hotel provided a shuttle service into the centre and after having a little wander around about 6 o'clock we gathered we were hungry and so found an Irish Pub where we ordered some food, had a drink and discussed the places we wanted to see the next two days! After waking up early and filling up on lots of breakfast we made our way out and firstly decided to wander around the Beacon Hill district which is infamous for its beautiful architecture and old feel. We must have walked around here for a good two hours before walking to Dunkin' Donuts to pick up hot drinks! Everything in Boston was covered with snow which made some beautiful pictures, especially as we walked around Boston Common which not only is the oldest public park in America but is overlooked by the 'golden-domed State House which inside displays the Sacred Cod which is symbolic of the area's early livelihood'. From here, we walked towards and through the Burying Ground where the likes of Samuel Adams and Franklin are buried, before hitting Chinatown and another coffee break...this time at Starbucks! From here, we went through the area of Arlington where we paid a little (perhaps 1 1/2 hour stop) at H & M where there was a fabulous sale on, too hard to resist. Returning to the hotel, we showered, drank some wine and then made our way to a French brasserie (recommended in our tour guide) called Brasserie Jo. We had the most delicious meal of pate, moules et frites and white wine! The food, the cold air and all the walking around that day had made us utterly tired and so we waddled back to the hotel. Now Sunday, we only had the day until around 4 o'clock when we would have to return to the airport. Thus, after breakfast and checking out we walked around Quincy Market which dates back to 1846 and then got the Metro across the river to Harvard where we walked around the Harvard Yard with even more beautiful buildings and stopped by the official outfitters to buy obligatory t-shirts and other paraphernalia!
For more photos of Boston there is an album worth on Facebook!
Currently I'm still sat on my bed, a total of 3 hours later. Feel the love! My plans this week?! To definitely hit the gym at least 3 times, to go to the Tokyo Police Club and Two Door Cinema Club Concert at the 930 Club in DC and to also go out in Georgetown on Saturday night. Perhaps, I might even have time to see the Black Swan at the cinema! I saw the Kings Speech last week with some au pairs and thought it was fantastic. On Sunday, I watched Colin Firth win his Golden Globe for his performance live on the aeroplane back from Boston...utterly deserved, especially after he missed out on an award for his performance in a Single Man!
I promise I will update sooner next time!